Thursday, May 13, 2010

Luke as King of the Wood Pile.

Andrew loves to color and draw and
he's pretty good...for a 4 year old.

Olivia, Luke, Andrew and Zane (Spiderman)
with their Easter Baskets and bunnies.
The kids got a little jipped this year since Mom
started a new part time job as the Liturgy/ Music Coordinator
at 2 Catholic Churches--right before Holy Week and Easter.

In February we went to Florida to visit G & G Bonifas.
Sporting our new sunglasses at Tampa Lowry Zoo.
Rated #1 by...somebody...Parent's Magazine I think.
We got in FREE with our Toledo Zoo Membership :)

Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota, FL. Zane stayed out of the
waves and played in the sand.

Andrew, Zane and Luke at Lake Louisa Florida
State Park. We went walking with Grandma Dorothy
and Grandpa George. Great to just be outside.

Boys doing dishes. Watch out!
Luke has the spray nozzle....